
windows utilities

Friday 11 May 2012

Diskeeper Professional 2008 - Powerful Defragmentation Software

Diskeeper Professional 2008 - Powerful Defragmentation Software

Over time your HDD becomes fragmented. As you delete and create files, you create new regions of free space. Your free space is not in one big chunk at the end, but instead just a number of small holes all over your disk. And sometimes it is impossible to allocate new files contiguously, and your operating system has to break them into fragments, putting a small piece here and a small piece there.
File system fragmentation on your HDD can bring unforeseen problems, such as complete slowdown of system performance, slow startup and shutdown, PC crashes and sometimes even to drive failures.
Fortunately for all of us there are a number of programs that are designed to eliminate fragmentation. One of the best programs of this kind is Diskeeper 2008.
Diskeeper 2008 has one of the most powerful defragmentation engines ever developed. Even if your system only has a 1% of free space it can be defragged by this great program.
Diskeeper runs in the background and in real time and automatically defrags your disk when your machine is idle. Thus it can handle fragmentation as it occurs, eliminating the need for manual defragmentation.

Diskeeper 2008 Professional Main Window

Diskeeper 2008 also allows you manually defrag your system. Boot-Time Defragmentation option allows you to defrag your hard drive at boot time, moving files that couldn’t be moved while Windows was in use.
The program can configure the MFTs (Master File Tables - the place where information about every file and directory on an NTFS hard drive is stored) and paging files (a hidden file on your HDD that Windows uses as if it were RAM), preventing them from fragmentation and thus increasing overall system performance.
Diskeeper 2008 includes many others options and features for advanced users.
If you abuse your harddrive with lots of new/updated/deleted files, I would definitely recommend that you try Diskeeper.
You can download the latest version of Diskeeper here.


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